Kobido rituals

Kobido massage, body massage, rituals. It is an infinite energy touch that focuses on body, mind, soul and emotions. It is an effective way to help a person to relax. Our brain is constantly loaded with necessary and unnecessary thoughts. It’s time to let them go, focus on what matters most and be in the moment.


Effects of treatment

  • deep relaxation of the whole body
  • better concentration in the right moments
  • the skin becomes smoother, firmer and lighter
  • the skin tone becomes healthy and beautiful
  • tightens the skin, reduces wrinkles
  • shapes the face oval without surgery
  • removes the “stress mask”
  • prevents premature aging
  • muscle elasticity and tension are restored
  • relieves migraines and tension in the neck
  • activates the lymphatic system and the excretion of toxins
  • the skin’s blood circulation is restored
  • the skin’s moisture and oil balance normalizes

The result is already visible after the first massage. Cure 6 times is recommended for the permanent result, where the muscles are trained.